October Newsletter | The Pawprint – Edition 4
Trustees and Committee 2023
- Chair – Jane Ashworth
- Diane Gibbinson (Trustee)
- Secretary – Gwen Lowery
- Hazel Beck (Trustee)
- Treasurer – Nigel Davison
- Julie James (Trustee)
- Tina Pile (Rehoming)
- Anne-Marie Ebdon (Trustee)
- Jenny Thomas (Committee)
Rehoming News
Rehoming comes with many mixed emotions for all who are involved with the process. We get to know each individual dog when they are in our care, and they are all very special to us but the magic comes when we wave them off to their new lives. It is so rewarding especially hearing how they settle into new forever homes. ”FANTASTIC”. Rehomes since last newsletter
A huge thank you to our rehoming team and volunteers who support at the kennels for all their hard work The time, effort and emotion makes them real stars.

Alnwick Garden Party
Earlier in the summer Northumberland Greyhound Rescue were honoured to be invited to attend the Annual Garden Party for volunteers and carers at Alnwick Castle hosted by Jane Percy the Duchess of Northumberland as Lord-Lieutenant of Northumberland.
So, on Thursday, 8th June, myself along with other trustees and committee members, enjoyed an afternoon exploring the gardens, speaking to other volunteers from the Northumberland area as well as the Duchess and her deputy lieutenants as well as being treated to a fabulous afternoon tea. Every year many charities and community organisations are nominated so to be chosen to attend was a lovely surprise and we were all made to feel valued for all our hard work and commitment to the work of Northumberland Greyhound Rescue. (Gwen, Secretary).
Meet and Greet at Manor Walks Cramlington
Northumberland Greyhound Rescue held a Meet and Greet at Manor Walks Cramlington. This event proved to be really popular with many people coming on the day bringing along their own greyhounds. Some of the kennel dogs even joined us. Lots of cuddles with the greyhounds, plus colouring pictures, a lucky dip and a tombola meant everyone had a great time. It was lovely to see old friends and make new ones. Particular thanks to all the staff at Manor Walks who were amazing and supported us with organising the day.
We look forward to further events in the future.
At Northumberland Greyhound Rescue we try to raise awareness of retired greyhounds as great family pets, through a series of talks to local WI’s and the U3A, as well as to other organisations. Grateful thanks to all who come along and support this work with their greyhounds. It is amazing how many people have no idea about the real nature of the greyhound. Greyhounds as we know have wonderful temperaments. These intelligent dogs with their loyal, affectionate, sensitive natures just want to please you.

Katie’s column “Thoughts from a retired greyhound”
I am Katie a retired greyhound, well the word retired is not quite right. I checked the dictionary, it means stopping working permanently, ie no longer racing on the track. This means we greyhounds now have the opportunity to go out and about on lots of adventures.
I am sure as you read through the newsletter you will see some really intrepid hounds. (See Inky the Metro Hound, not related to my Inky). Despite the weather, we love to venture out. I have to say I personally favour “picnic” walks, although the coffee shop bacon sarnies are one of our special treats, (slight problem, Mum keeps talking about going on a diet and only having a coffee).
Inky who lives with me and is new to all of this has turned out to be a real star, just happy to lie down after exploring and pretending to be asleep while keeping an eagle eye out for any goodies coming her way. I notice more and more cafes, hotels and even the odd bar are opening their doors for well-behaved dogs to go in and meet new friends. Inky and I are very willing to check out these premises, well it is a hard life being a retired greyhound!!!
Update on Inky, she cannot help herself, bramley apples from the garden keep appearing on her bed with Mum’s slippers and she is so pleased with herself. Do you think it is a phase she is going through?
WOW did you know when running, greyhounds spend 75% of their time in the air. A greyhound uses its tail like a rudder while racing.
Greyhound history
There are few dogs whose breed can be traced back to 3,000 BC but evidence can be found of dogs who have similar characteristics to greyhounds. Greyhounds are an ancient breed of sighthounds, or gazehounds which specialize in hunting their quarry by sight rather than scent.
In mythology greyhounds type dogs were closely linked with the jackal god, Anubis. Anubis was the god of embalming and the dead. The head of Anubis is similar to a greyhound. In Roman mythology, Diana the goddess of wildlife is often depicted with Greyhounds. Where could greyhounds have originated from? More to come in our next newsletter.
Mystery Picture(s)
Can you work out where they were taken?? Luther out and about at 14!

The Great Global Greyhound Walk and Show at Tynegreen Riverside Park, Hexham – 24 September 2023.
Well, the day finally arrived, sunny and bright in the morning then on cue as we started the walk it rained heavily, brollies came out but spirits were not dampened. 194 greyhounds and sighthounds joined the walk, making our Hexham walk one of the top walks not only in the UK but across the world.
Gwen’s famous sausage catch proved a winner with every hound. Some greyhounds even mastered the art of finding “homemade liver cake under cones”. With certificates for walking, plus spot prizes, followed by a fun show which had participants clapping every rosette winner, it was a lovely atmosphere.
The theme of flags was very popular with some wonderful creative efforts. The Northumberland Rescue greyhounds who joined the walk looking for a new owner, are keeping their paws crossed that someone might have spotted them and will offer them a forever home.
The event also raised over £1,200 for Northumberland Greyhound Rescue, huge thanks to all the amazing sponsors and the participants for their incredible generosity.

Summer Fête
Northlea Court Care Home, Cramlington – Our greyhounds and volunteers joined in a wonderful day, making lots of new friends and enjoying all the music, singing, dancing, wonderful homemade cakes and stalls. What a fantastic pleasure to meet the residents, staff and families who made us so welcome.
A huge thank you to Northlea for holding their fete in aid of Northumberland Greyhound Rescue, they presented us with an amazing cheque for £641.
Greyhounds needing that extra-special person to rehome
They sometimes get over looked. Contact Tina for rehoming, see details later in the newsletter.
Blue, aged 2

This gorgeous boy has returned after suffering from separation anxiety. He is a super friendly dog with not a bad bone in his body. Loves people, good round other breeds, and adores cuddles. He needs someone willing to start house training again, with perhaps another greyhound to keep him company.
Kane, aged 4

Kane is the most fantastic dog, he loves people. Sadly due to a racing injury he needs to stay on the lead when walking and avoid zoomies.
He joined us for the GGGW where he behaved impeccably. He loved the sausage catch and enjoyed an ice cream. He is happy to walk on his leader when out and about enjoying exploring new places. Kane most all he would love his own family to share adventures, are you that family?
Conna, aged 3

Conna has been with us for a while. Conna is a lovely dog who enjoys a fuss and cuddle from the volunteers and is fond of a treat after his walk. He can be a bit strong on the lead when he first starts to walk but soon settles. He is working on his socialising around other dogs, which requires just some time and patience

Greyhounds Run Free
Hello everyone I am Julie, and some of you will know me as the host for the Greyhounds Run Free events at the Mutz Hut in Benton. The events allow your dogs to run free with four or five other dogs in a large, secure outdoor area. Unfortunately, due to the weather being either too wet or too hot there have only been 3 runs this year. I am now proposing we change the emphasis to a greyhound meet up with refreshments included in a small admission charge per person to cover hiring costs. There will also be a Bring and Buy table for donated items and “special” items could be raffled. All profits will go to Northumberland Greyhound Rescue.
The outdoor run will be available ad hoc when the weather allows for an additional small fee per dog. We will still have our Christmas Party near Christmas. If the trials are successful and enough people attend to cover costs we will have monthly meetings in winter and fortnightly meetings in the nicer weather. If you want to become a member of the group or want to find out more, please find us in the Greyhounds Run Free Facebook group.
INKY the METRO hound
Helping a newly homed greyhound to adjust to the exciting outside world is a vital and enjoyable task. Inky quickly got used to his new home, local cafes and pubs. On the Metro station platform we watched and listened as the trains and people came and went. In a few days it was time for our first journey. Inky was all nervous nose-twitching attention, his head swivelling around and his big ears flapping with every new sound. By our second journey, the buzzer, announcements, clattering doors and booming of the tunnel were no bother.
Now he can indulge in greeting and charming the passengers. He is rewarded with compliments, strokes and shopping bags to inspect. Best of all are the humans with treats to share.
There’s room to relax and stretch out or pass time looking out of the window. Inky has learned how to use the lift and stairs and to wait calmly until the train doors open. He recommends Metro travel to all intrepid greyhounds.

Greyhound Health
The autumn and winter period is rapidly approaching with cooler days and nights. Greyhounds have very little body fat, and therefore they are more susceptible to feeling the cold.
If a greyhound’s core temperature drops then automatically the body tries to keep key organs warm by restricting blood flow to the skin and extremities.
Most greyhounds, therefore, appreciate a warm, waterproof jacket or coat when they are walking. Snoods are good for keeping ears warm. Some extra bedding at night when the temperature drops will stop your greyhound feeling the cold.
An additional meal such as porridge first thing in the morning will help warm the inner dog. Older greyhounds and those who have injuries will certainly feel the benefit of keeping warm whatever the winter weather throws at us. Do remember dogs can get frost bite on their paws, so limit longer walks on really cold mornings.
Reference:- Greyhound Board of Great Britain, Welfare
Dates for your diary
Join us for our Santa Paws Walk
Sunday 3rd December 2023
10:00 for 10:15 set off at
Rising Sun Country Park,
Benton, NE12 9SS
The route is approximately 1.2 miles long (1.95km).
Open to all hound households (including other breed siblings).
£6 registration fee (includes medal and dog treat cone) with additional medals/treats for extra £1. The registration fee also includes a draw for a hamper worth £30.
Further details will be released later.
There will also be a prize for the best-dressed hound – Fancy Dress Optional. All money raised will go to Northumberland Greyhound Rescue.
Recipe Idea!
Yes, it’s a GREYHOUND Cocktail (adults only). Have you tried this?
Gin or vodka and pink grapefruit, add crushed ice and garnish for this extra special treat. Add salt round the rim of the glass for a salty dog!
Note of interest greyhound cocktails used to be served at the Greyhound Terminals
Interested in helping??
We are most grateful to everyone who supports Northumberland Greyhound Rescue, thank you and please keep following us. If, however, you wish to help further by either fostering, rehoming, walking dogs from the kennels, helping out at our events, running or walking for the charity, assisting at awareness-raising events, sponsorship, donations, or helping in anyway, please contact:- see below
- Gwen, Secretary 07712 894155
- Julie, Volunteering 07436 013552
- Tina, Rehoming 07538935608
Finally, the answer to the mystery pictures were… St Abbs Head and Seaburn.
We hope you have enjoyed this newsletter, keep following us, with all our up-to-date news on NGR Facebook. Jenny, Editor
A few extra pictures to enjoy from the Great Global Greyhound Walk