Great Global Greyhound Walk – Hexham
September 19, 2021
Hexham, NE46 3SG
Time: 2 pm start (Please arrive for 1.45 pm)
Venue: Tyne Green Country Park

Greyhounds & sighthounds and other breeds from a greyhound family.

Please join us and be part of a greyt day when greyhounds and sighthounds over the world walk out together and promote themselves as great pets.


 NE46 3SG

The circular walk is approx. one mile with a shorter route available. All participants receive a certificate for taking part.

Followed by a FUN DOG SHOW – Homemade treats for all dogs taking part. Plus a raffle, tombola, and “guess the name of the greyhound cuddly toy”

Entry to the walk and show is FREE but any donation towards Northumberland Greyhound recue is appreciated.

For more information contact Jenny 07835 260711

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